Open Heavens Conference 2022 Audio Download
Have you felt dry and weary from this last season of life? Have you been running in your own strength and coming up short? The answer is this—there is more. More grace. More anointing. More truth. More power. But it is only found in the raw, unrelenting pursuit of the presence of God. For over 20 years, we have staked our lives on this foundation, that above all else, we need to live wholly in God’s presence. There, more can be understood, more can be imparted, and more can be discovered. We believe that, without the oil of God’s presence, life is meaningless and fruit isn’t lasting. More can be accomplished as a lover than as a doer, and God is calling you back to your first love, and to the simple truths of who He is, who He says you are, and how you are called to change the world with Him. At Open Heavens 2022, we are creating a space for God’s oil to fill you once again to overflowing, where there is grace to encounter Him without limit. For three days, we will devoutly pursue His presence with unashamed love and passion, and gain tools and keys for walking out an intimacy that, in its overflow, will change the world. Come and drink from the One who makes every other well run dry because He wants to fill you to overflow. Come and be filled again, refreshed and restored to walk in the grace of intimacy, and watch your life thrive in the way that only God’s presence can cause it to.
Download all main sessions from the 2022 Open Heavens conference and be refreshed by His love and presence, equipped with practical tools to steward your faith, and empowered to transform your life and community. It’s time for us as believers to reveal, reflect, and release heaven to the world around us!
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