The Action Bible Christmas
Gain a thought-provoking new perspective on Christmas! In this stunningly illustrated holiday addition to his best-selling Action Bible titles, Sergio Cariello tells the story of Jesus' birth through the eyes of 25 different witnesses---including a young shepherd and his lamb, a donkey, an angel, the innkeeper, and a dove in the stable rafters!
Features family discussion questions. 64 pages, hardcover from Cook. titles, Sergio Cariello tells the story of Jesus' birth through the eyes of 25 different witnesses---including a young shepherd and his lamb, a donkey, an angel, the innkeeper, and a dove in the stable rafters! Features family discussion questions. 64 pages, hardcover from Cook.Action Bible titles, Sergio Cariello tells the story of Jesus' birth through the eyes of 25 different witnesses---including a young shepherd and his lamb, a donkey, an angel, the innkeeper, and a dove in the stable rafters! Features family discussion questions. 64 pages, hardcover from Cook.
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