The Mystery of God - Audio
Disc 1 The Mystery of God is Christ in you the hope of glory (Col 1:25-2:4) The shift from the internal, eternal, super-natural experience of continuous, conscious, communion with Christ to an external, natural focus on buildings, pastors ,priests and works.
Disc 2 The Mystery of Godliness (1Tim 3:16 ) The Supernatural birth of God in the soul and the yielding of our will to his Word brings unity of faith, knowledge of God and maturity, so that we may attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ
Disc 3 The Mysteries of the Kingdom ( Luke 8:4-15) are only revealed to those whose focus is to follow Christ. The shift from Christ the Wisdom of God to natural, human knowledge, achievements and the ways of man
Disc 4 The Mystery of Christ and the Church ( Eph 5: 22-32 Having eyes for Christ alone, we contemplate His Glory and are transformed into His Image enabling us to full participate in His Divine nature.
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